When the world returned, it took the shape of a cluster of massive stone pyramids staring them down from across a field of pavement: Rakak’s Lab. The thief and the elementalist stood as tiny dots before it, their feet planted on a teleport pad similar to the one they just left (but notably, better tended to). They, and the lab before them, stood upon two floating chunks of earth surrounded by nothing but blue sky.

It was surreal.

Tora fought the urge to look over the edge of the island, lost within two seconds, and gulped audibly once he did.

He couldn’t even see the ground.

“A long way to fall,” FPS remarked.

A long way indeed. Adrenaline beat past the vertigo until Tora found himself grinning. Now that they were steps away from their goal, there was no fighting it anymore: the floodgates opened and he could feel himself shaking with excitement. They’d gotten past the dull shit, and were moments away from getting to the good shit—the adventure shit! He’d been so preoccupied with rent, the ghosts of the past, and FPS that he’d nearly forgot why he picked up jobs like this to begin with.

They were gonna break into some massive lab—in the sky! How cool is that?!

This is what he lived for!

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