Fire and Mask

Warning: Contains violence and death

There was a fire in the Unseen Ruins. Tora smelled it before he saw it, making his way from Mabon Market through the rocky climb overlooking the ruins. He’d meant to just pass by – the ruins were a hot bed for bitter skritt and nosy asuran researchers. Even if it was the middle of the night, the researchers safely home, and the skritt likely asleep, it wasn’t worth it. It was too open, too easy to be seen. He’d walk around it, that was the plan.

Then he smelled burning wood and sap, saw hints of red in the ruins below, and plans changed. Cautiously, he climbed down into the ruins, clinging to a nearby pillar of rock on his way. As he rounded the pillar at its base, he finally saw it: a blazing bonfire amidst the rubble of the ruins and the scattered research equipment. There was no one around so he moved in closer, sap pounding louder in his ears with every step. Something was in the fire, tied to a long pole jutting out of the ground. No, not something, someone. His heart beat faster, but curiosity kept him moving. Step after step, he made his way until he was only a foot away. Sparks danced near his feet as he gazed into the fire.

It was Meritt. His guild mate.

Despite the heat he felt suddenly quite cold.

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