evidence of an escaped ‘experiment’ like the kind you read about in adventure books. Maybe one of the mesmers got loose, came out of their experiments with unrivalled power, and exacted revenge or something? Or maybe his imagination was getting the better of him—the containers before him showed no evidence of any kind of escape. They were all fully occupied.

Occupied and strung up with wires like puppets. His eyes followed the wires up and out of the containers, across the ceiling and over to a far corner of the room out of sight. He followed it cautiously as FPS continued to report his findings.

“There’s blueprints here,” FPS called from another table. “Looks like golem work?”

“So what, like, time golems then?” Tora called back as he weaved his way around a cluster of peculiar glowing metal towers.

“It appears so. I’m only seeing design work here though.”
“Do you think any of this has to do with your sister’s work?”
“My sister…?” Tora blinked, stopping before a frozen scientist forever stuck working

on one of the glowing towers. For a moment he thought of his real sister, Hayle, and blanked trying to recall his other ‘sister.’ Then it came back to him. “Oh right, Bolli, uh, hm.” The frozen scientist was blocking his way, he swerved back, tried another route. “Ya think Rakak wanted her amulet for this time shit?”

“Didn’t that nice lady, Mrs Rhin—”
“Rhin was a guy.”
“Oh right. Mr Rhin then. Didn’t he mention something about Rakak showing

interest in Bolli’s work on energy filtering?”
“Energy filtering, yeah, “ Tora agreed, as he made his way around another tower.

Bright purple light grew stronger the closer he got to the source of the wires. “Energy filtering through, uh, mortals? Mortal bodies. Wait.”

Tora stopped, looked back up at the wires he’d been following.
“Oh fuck me,” he said under his breathe.
“I suppose magic is a type of energy, isn’t it?” FPS mused loudly.
“Fuck me.” Tora scrambled around a stack of boxes, packed with golem limbs and

“And there was that other thing Mr Rhin said Bolli worked on—wasn’t that time

magic related?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” The thief was moving faster, leaping over and around strange

equipment and frozen workers. He made one last swerve around a shelf of tools and found himself nearly blinded by purple light. With cautious steps, he positioned himself

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