“Just uh, wanting to learn more about her now that she’s… y’know. Like her old crew on the Meridian and all that.”

The old asura nodded, ushered them in, had them sit on a grey and frayed sofa in a tiny living room. “Not much to tell. She was our ship’s main engineer. And our best cook… How did you say you met her again?”

“Work,” Tora answered and immediately regretted.

“Work…? I thought she retired after her days on the Meridian.”

“Oh no, she was! Retired, absolutely.” Tora agreed hastily. “I was the one working. Working for her. You know, work.”

“You worked for her.” The asura sounded skeptic.



“I uh… walked her dog…s.”

There was a pause. An ugly long pause as both FPS and Rhin scrutinized him. He felt like he was going to shrink to the size of an ant under their gaze. He didn’t even know if Bolli had dogs!

Then Rhin laughed. “Oh! Yes, of course. Her dogs. You should’ve just said so earlier!”

Oh thank the Pale Tree!

“Always so fond of her pups, that Bolli,” Rhin chuckled.

“Wow Miss Bandi, I didn’t know you worked with dogs!” FPS added, helpful as always.

“Yes, well,” Tora tried through a false smile. “You never asked…”

“I kinda figured you were more a cat person—”

“Right! Okay! So, uh, didn’t actually work with her. Worked for her. Walked her dogs. But Rhin, you said you worked with her?” They needed to get back on track.

“Hm? Oh! Yes. I worked with her on the engine,” he answered. “She was a genius with everything she touched, you ask me.”

This was already more than what anyone else had given them so far. No one mentioned her being an engineer.

“A genius? Did… everyone feel that way?” He needed to try some angle to get them talking about relationships on the ship without raising suspicions. After all, the Mr. R from the letters written to the Drakes could very easily be a Mr. Rhin.

“Were any of the others perhaps…” FPS leaned in then, dramatic and secretive. “jealous of her?”

He was going to throw that artless plant out a window.

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