Meeting FPS.



We’ve reached the end of Amulet of Bolli part 1, and so it’s time to talk about Tora Steals Things’ future!

Where is Tora Steals Things going from here?

Amulet of Bolli part 2 will start Feb 4th in a new format: illustrated prose!

So no more comics?

Yes! I’m sure that’ll be disappointing to some of you–comics are fun! This change wasn’t made lightly however.

I won’t bore y’all with the details but the reality is that TST just got way too big for what it is: there’s at least 18 stories left in it and at the rate I’m producing it, I could be at this for another two decades at least! Being a fan work, TST is also pretty heavily dependant on an already defined audience–it doesn’t have a lot of room for growth.

In other words, as a project, TST is far too much work for what it is. My choices were either to end it entirely or continue it in a format that’s easier for me to create regularly.

This means more story in each update!

The real benefit to this change of format is that a story that would take a year to deliver in comic form can be delivered in a few months instead. I’m going to be playing this by ear–we may not get through all the 18 stories that are left, but at the every least we’ll get the conclusion to Amulet of Bolli.

What happens once Tora Steals Things is done?

I’m not done with Tora as a character, frankly. I love TST but I don’t truly believe it was the work that showed off his character best. There’s always been another project for him (codename SG) but as I’m trying to launch Apocalypse Child properly by the end of this year, it may be on the back burner for awhile.

Honestly I won’t lie, I’m personally very excited about this change!

This will free up some of my time for other projects. A lot of that will likely go into Apocalypse Child (as there are many ambitious aspects to it right now) but I imagine I’ll be able to use that time towards SG or other projects as well.

I will of course, keep you all updated as we move forward!

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